Baptist Church
Children's Ministries
Children (ages 4-12) at Cornerstone enjoy learning about our Lord through interactive classes during both Sunday School and the Sunday morning service. Each class is packed with Bible and is specifically designed to help each child cultivate a love for the Lord and gain knowledge of His Word. We strive to package everything in an atmosphere that makes learning fun! Games, awards, and special events all add to the learning experience and make living for Jesus something children look forward to! Nursery care is available (ages 0-3) during both Sunday School and during the Sunday morning service.
At Cornerstone, teens cultivate a love for Christ while they explore God's Word and understand God's purpose for their lives. We seek to train our youth to live life to its fullest potential by finding their supreme joy and satisfaction in the Lord Jesus Christ. Through connecting today's youth with both Christ-centered fellowship, and a little fun along the way, we help enable them to experience how satisfying a life lived for Christ can be.
Cornerstone Baptist Church offers a blended music ministry, incorporating the majestic, doctrinally rich hymns of old, and modern day worship music. Careful attention is given to the lyrics of all songs to ensure they align with the Scripture and the teachings of our Lord. We strive to glorify our Maker by speaking to ourselves in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, as the Bible instructs us to do in Ephesians 5:19. Join us as we sing praise to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! “Oh magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together.” -Psalm 34:3
Outreach and Evangelism
Cornerstone takes the Great Commission seriously as we strive to reach Troy and the surrounding areas with the Gospel. We are not afraid to proclaim the truth, but always seek to do so with the love that Christ demonstrated for us. We teach our members to practice personal evangelism as they go, but also engage in various visitation and outreach efforts on the church level. Our greatest desire is to see souls come to a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
World-Wide Missions
As the Church works to share the Gospel in our community, we recognize that we can't possibly reach every person in the world ourselves. However, we seek to participate in this global effort by offering support to those who are abroad, doing the work of the Lord which we are unable to do. It is our privilege to be able to support several missionaries with our prayers and with our gifts of love.
Adult Ministries
Cornerstone supports multiple adult ministries, including special opportunities of fellowship for our senior saints, as well multiple women's and men's activities and Bible studies.
Many Others!
In addition to the above, Cornerstone has numerous other ministries for individuals to participate and serve in! Join us to learn more!